Crisis / Emergency
Crisis / Emergency by Siroonian Technologies, Inc.
Our solution model(s) How the challenge is solved
Explore our solution model(s) and learn how your challenge is solved.
Crisis / Emergency
Video Walls
Situational Awareness
It also solves following challenge(s)
Use Crisis / Emergency to Provide a personalized customer experience
Our solutions help provide continuity for businesses who can not tolerate systems being down.
Use Crisis / Emergency to Provide a personalized customer experience
Our solutions help provide continuity for businesses who can not tolerate systems being down.
Important features
Installation experience
Our installation experience with Crisis / Emergency.
Our product experience
When integrated with Milestone software, our products work to solve several challenges.
Installations & industries
We provide our solution services for a range of installations in the following industries:
Siroonian Technologies, Inc.
Siroonian Technologies, Inc. (STI) is a diversified information technologies services company based in the United Sates. Founded in 1986 the Company has worked within the utility industry of USA. Over the last two decades the Company has focused on decommissioning nuclear power plants.
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United States - United States
United States
Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity
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