Intrusion / Alarm
Intrusion / Alarm by BCI Palestine
Our solution model(s) How the challenge is solved
Explore our solution model(s) and learn how your challenge is solved.
Intrusion / Alarm
Smart Client Plug-ins
Building Management Systems
Motion Detection
Sensors & RFID
Use Intrusion / Alarm to Assist people to feel safe leaving the facility
Use Intrusion / Alarm to Assist people to feel safe leaving the facility
Important features
Installation experience
Our installation experience with Intrusion / Alarm.
Our product experience
When integrated with Milestone software, our products work to solve several challenges.
Installations & industries
We provide our solution services for a range of installations in the following industries:
For Partners who have attained advanced capabilities through Milestone’s technical certification and sales trainings.
Palestine, State of
This is where you can find additional documentation for our solution service
Application and Product Overview | pdf Download (750.18 KB) |
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