Empowering on-the-job performance through learning

Blue checkmark
Free online training on
Milestone products and features
Blue checkmark
Training options based
on your job role
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Hands-on experience helps you
transfer knowledge to the field
Partners icon

Anyone with a My Milestone login (including end-customers)
can access the Partner Learning Portal to:

  • 1. Complete free eLearning on designing,
    configuring, and managing Milestone solutions.
  • 2. Sign up for an instructor-led training class.
  • 3. Take a certification assessment.
Customers icon

No login is required to access the Customer Learning Portal to:


Complete free eLearning in multiple languages on using XProtect clients and features.




Get access to the Partner Learning Portal

Creating a My Milestone login is the first step to access our service and get access to all training and
certification options on the Partner Learning Portal.
"Gold and Silver Excellence in Learning"
Our award-winning Learning & Performance program brings
best practices to the Milestone Video Community.

See how Milestone training helps drive your
business results

Employee expertise drives business results

The mission of the Learning & Performance team is to empower the people in the Milestone community to perform on-the-job by growing their expertise in designing and implementing Milestone solutions. 


For our Partners:

Building the expertise of your team helps drive business results by ensuring you have the knowledge and skills needed to quickly and effectively specify and install Milestone solutions.


For our Customers:

Partner expertise helps our customers get the right solution to meet their needs, and also reduces project risk by ensuring Milestone certified partners have the proven knowledge and skill to do the job right.

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For your security, sessions automatically end after 15 minutes of inactivity unless you choose to stay logged in.