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Press Releases

Through FedCloudIA, XProtect is now available as a VMS for the U.S. Government

Milestone Systems welcomes new Chief Revenue Officer

XProtect 2023 R2 release further boosts operational efficiencies

New video technology makes caring hands reach further

German airports have an urgent need for skilled security staff

Milestone Systems delivers record-high net revenue

XProtect® 2023 R1 release brings user experience, collaboration, and pre-check efficiencies

From showbiz to video software: introducing Milestone’s new CTO

From start-up to grown-up: Milestone Systems marks 25 years in business today

Milestone Kite™ is flying

Milestone Systems welcomes new Chief Technology Officer to the Executive Leadership Team

Milestone Systems will showcase innovative city solutions at Smart City Expo in Barcelona


Milestone Systems introduces Milestone Kite

Milestone Systems brings a sharp focus to critical industries with new specialized solutions
Milestone Insights

The emerging power of video technologies

Milestone in the Media