Generate incident reports with a few clicks

What is XProtect Incident Manager?

XProtect Incident Manager is an XProtect extension that enables you to streamline the logging and documenting of incidents (video and audio). It provides an overview of all incidents in your organization and makes reporting less time consuming — whether it’s for internal or external use.

See what a Milestone solution can do for you

Gather evidence

Easily assign footage to incidents

It takes just one click for XProtect Incident Manager to automatically start capturing the video you are watching live and add it to the incident project. The capture sequence can be started with just one click. This gives the operator time to focus on other actions like informing personnel to act in accordance with protocol.

Easy project overview

Keep track of all your projects

Record and store all your incidents' information in projects in one place. Enjoy a better overview and control during the export stage. Provide the operators a one way of working, organizing reports and incidents status in a structured view. Identifying and tracking incidents is often a manual process that is tedious and timeconsuming. And compiling meaningful reports becomes a burdensome challenge.

Customizable dashboard

Configure your system

Organize your specific incident types and choose the information you want to capture, and share based on your industry. With an easy, customizable user interface, the incidents are easily categorized, and content related to the incident are added either through structured dropdowns or as free text.

Automated tracking

Accurately log incident

Accurately log all activities, actions, and changes in the log system, keeping track of all changes done by users and operators in the XProtect system.

Efficient report creation

Seamlessly export video evidence

Export video evidence by automatically adding incident video to the export list. Reports with video and structured content can then be easily exported with just a few quick clicks to provide evidence with appropriate information that supports the incident, either for internal or external investigations.

Get the Milestone advantage

Rely on Milestone video technology, with solutions proven in 500,000+ customer sites and 25 years of experience in the industry.

Global partner network
Access the expertise and support of our 11,000+ resellers and integrators worldwide.
Open platform
Get a totally configurable solution with the near-limitless possibilities of our open-platform software.
Future-proof investment
Add and remove devices as your needs evolve with our simple per-device license model.


Book a one-to-one demo

See Milestone in action with a demo that's customized to your business and needs.

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